Gadigal Country
Rainbow Lodge’s cultural practice and programs are led and co-designed by our First Nations partners Wiimpatja & Gamarada Universal Indigenous Resources Pty Ltd, our lived experience Cultural Workers and our Elder. Rainbow Lodge believes healing for First Nations people must be “within their culture and community”. Rainbow Lodge believes it is our responsibility as an organisation to listen to First Nation voices and create the environment where this healing is possible.
Peer Worker Raymond (Bubbly) completing a smoking ceremony
The Yarning Circle was created to provide a meeting place for all people. The space carries the spirit of First Nations culture, connection to country, reconciliation and healing. The garden is also a celebration of First Nations peoples contribution to the local area. It is our welcome to First Nations men who come to stay at Rainbow Lodge from all over NSW and across Australia. The garden is used as a learning space and groups are regularly held here.
Gamarada Healing Circle completed as part of NAIDOC Week 2023
The Rainbow Lodge has a long history of prioritising First Nations men. Rainbow Lodge feel we have a moral and ethical responsibility to work towards reducing the overrepresentation of First Nations people in the criminal justice system. The foundation of this practice is built around our two First Nation led programs. Gamarada Universal Indigenous Resource’s “Healing Circle” and Wiimpatja’s “Healing the Warrior” Aboriginal men’s program.
Walama List Participant working on mural on site at Rainbow Lodge
The Judge Rainbow Memorial Fund
Rainbow Lodge acknowledges the traditional custodians of the unceded land which our house stands, the Gadigal and Bidjigal people of the Eora Nation.
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